Policy updated on March 4, 2024
Most of our orders ship via the United States Postal Service using Ground Advantage or, when applicable, Media Mail. Occasionally we will ship a heavy package by UPS.
The Shipping and Handling Rates listed below are maximum charges. Unless otherwise indicated, shipping is free within the continental United States on all orders over $250.00.
In order to keep down costs and minimize our impact on the environment, we try to reuse all the clean packing materials that we can.
Maximum Shipping and Handling Rates for orders within the United States are as follows:
orders up to $20.00 $4.50
$20.01 to $40.00 $6.50
$40.01 to $70.00 $9.50
$70.01 to $100.00 $11.50
$100.01 to $140.00 $13.60
$140.01 to $249.99 $15.70
$250.00 and up Free within the Continental USA
Foreign by weight— Email us at: esf@earthsongfibers.com for more information.